New York Agriculture in the Classroom and the New York Beef Council are collaborating on the "Meat Your Beef" Tours to offer an exciting food system training for teachers across the state.
At this training and tour you will learn more about the meat production industry in New York and get answers to your questions about how beef cattle are fed, cared for, and marketed. This experience will give you a first-hand perspective on food production systems, and the tools to share that information with your students. Teachers will also participate in a blind taste test, an easily replicable activity for your classroom. This training is FREE of charge and is applicable for teachers in grades K-12. A steak lunch for all is included in this training. All teachers must be registered by May 29th.
Friday, June 16th - SK Hereford
Medina, NY (Orleans County
Visit the Ag in the Class Room website for more information and to register.