Ventilation in barns is essential for the well-being of livestock, particularly small ruminants. This free webinar shares how to plan for and update ventilation systems in barns, particularly old dairy barns, to work for you!
When starting out raising livestock, the easiest and least expensive housing is the housing already on the property. For many, this means the use of facilities previously used to house dairy cows. Many of these older buildings are not well ventilated and need upgrades to make them suitable places for keeping sheep, goats, cattle, hogs, and poultry while limiting respiratory disease pressure.
Join Cornell Cooperative Extension's Livestock Program Work Team on March 22, 2023, at 7:00 pm for a FREE webinar on this topic. Tim Terry, the Farm Strategic Planning Specialist with Cornell University CALS - Pro-Dairy, will discuss the ins and outs of retrofitting older dairy facilities for proper ventilation. Tim has many years of experience helping farms correct the deficiencies in these barns to make them functional and safe. He will discuss effective ventilation principles as well as the pros and cons of the basic types of ventilation systems: natural, mechanical, positive pressure, tunnel, and cross.
This presentation is sponsored by the Cornell Small Ruminant Team made up of Cornell Extension Educators from across New York State. Although the examples provided throughout the presentation will be featuring small ruminants, the concepts are appropriate for all species of livestock that we may house in these barns including poultry, swine, beef and other species.
This meeting is free for all and will be held over Zoom. Registration is required and will provide you access to the program recording. To register, please visit: https://bit.ly/Barn_Ventilation