
Tires ... Mosquito Pools

Wed, 05/02/2018 - 2:15pm -- webmaster
Engorged cartoon mosquito on a tire

Farmers Take Note: Environmental Conservation Law under: 6 NYCRR Part 360 – SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES requires that tires used to weigh-down silage bunk covers (among other uses) be either cut in half or have a “sufficient number of holes drilled in them to prevent water retention”.

Darin and Katie Hill winners of the NY Farm Bureau's Young Farmers & Ranchers Achievement Award

Tue, 01/02/2018 - 11:20am -- webmaster
NYFB President David Fisher with Darin and Katie Hill of Cattaraugus County Farm Bureau, winners of the YF&R Achievement Award, NYFB YF&R Chair Kristen Brown and Bill Moller of Kubota

Congratulations to Darin and Katie Hill of the Cattaraugus County Farm Bureau, winners of the New York Farm Bureau's Young Farmers & Ranchers Achievement Award.

Learn more at New York Farm Bureau Announces Young Farmers & Ranchers and Pro-Ed Award Winners at 2017 State Annual Meeting.

Census of Agriculture Sign-up

Tue, 06/13/2017 - 3:38pm -- webmaster
Logo for Agriculture Counts - NASS

Make Sure Your Farm or Ranch Counts! Sign-up before the end of June to receive the 2017 Census of Agriculture survey later this year.

Your agricultural operation, large or small, is important to U.S. agriculture.  The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts a census of all agricultural operations every five years as well as other agricultural surveys.  They need to know about all types of agricultural operations of all sizes.

Farm Worker Housing Funds Available

Tue, 05/23/2017 - 9:30am -- Jean Davis

Farm Credit East announced that it is currently taking applications for farm worker housing construction and improvement loans from the New York State Farm Worker Housing (FWH) Loan Program. These loans are available to New York agricultural producers, including fruit, vegetable and dairy operations.  Agricultural producers may apply to borrow up to $100,000 per year for farm worker housing projects. An upfront, one-time fee is applied to cover administrative costs. There are no other fees or interest applied for the term of the loan.

New York State Grown & Certified Agricultural Producers’ Grant Program

Tue, 05/09/2017 - 11:41am -- Jean Davis

State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball announced that eligible applicants can now apply for the $5 million New York State Grown & Certified Agricultural Producers’ Grant Program. Funded through the 2017-18 New York State Budget, the program is part of the Regional Economic Development Councils process. It was created to assist New York State agricultural producers meet food safety standards and join the New York State Grown & Certified program. 

2017 Agricultural Census to Begin Soon

Thu, 04/20/2017 - 1:25pm -- Jean Davis

Farm operators in Cattaraugus County are encouraged to make sure they will receive a 2017 Agricultural Census report form before the end of this year. The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts the Agricultural Census every five years, which is the only source of uniform, comprehensive, and impartial agriculture data for every county in the nation.


Online Learning Community

Thu, 04/20/2017 - 11:21am -- Jean Davis

Western New York Beginning Farmers and Homesteaders Discussion Group

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County’s Agriculture Program created the Western New York Beginning Farmers and Homesteaders group.  This Group has continued to be successful and has created an online learning community which you may join by visiting


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