
Cattaraugus County Farmer-Neighbor Dinner for 2016

Thu, 03/03/2016 - 3:35pm -- webmaster
2016 Farmer-Neighbor Dinner in Cattaraugus County (5th Annual!)

The Cattaraugus County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board, along with the Cattaraugus County Department of Economic Development, Planning and Tourism, the Cattaraugus County Farm Bureau, the Cattaraugus County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Southern Tier West Regional Planning and Development Board will host the 5th Annual Cattaraugus County Farmer-Neighbor Dinner on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at the West Valley Fire Hall, 9091 Route 240, West Valley, NY.


24th Annual Rural Landowner Workshop

Tue, 02/09/2016 - 5:06pm -- webmaster

On Saturday, March 5, 2016 Cornell Cooperative Extension will be sponsoring the 24th Annual Rural Landowner Workshop. The program will begin at 9:00 AM and end at 3:00 PM. There will be three concurrent sessions with four classes per session to choose from.

The Rural Landowner Workshop is a regional program involving several agencies that provide educational information and outreach to landowners. Presenters are brought in from both private and public sectors to provide participants with up-to-date information.

USDA Extends Dairy Margin Protection Program Deadline

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 6:11pm -- webmaster
201509 USDA Extends Dairy Margin Protection Program Deadline

WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2015 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the deadline to enroll for the dairy Margin Protection Program for coverage in 2016 has been extended until Nov. 20, 2015.  The voluntary program, established by the 2014 Farm Bill, provides financial assistance to participating farmers when the margin – the difference between the price of milk and feed costs – falls below the coverage level selected by the farmer.

Secretary Vilsack Proclaims August 2-8 National Farmers Market Week

Tue, 07/14/2015 - 2:10pm -- Jacquie Gardner

WASHINGTON, July 14, 2015 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has declared Aug. 2 through 8, 2015, as "National Farmers Market Week." The declaration was made official by proclamation signed by Secretary Vilsack. This year marks the 16th annual National Farmers Market Week in honor of the important role that farmers markets play in local economies.

Farmer Neighbor Dinner Announced

Fri, 03/06/2015 - 1:06pm -- webmaster
2015 Farmer Neighbor Dinner promo image

The Cattaraugus County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board, along with the Cattaraugus County Department of Economic Development, Planning and Tourism, the Cattaraugus County Farm Bureau, the Cattaraugus County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Southern Tier West Regional Planning and Development Board will host the Fourth Annual Cattaraugus County Farmer-Neighbor Dinner on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at the West Valley Fire Hall, 9091 Route 240, West Valley, NY.


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